Friday, March 16, 2007

This is my day today

I got a new haircut and I got bangs, which I haven't had since I was a kid. I asked her if she thought they would look good, she said "I think so. If not, it'll always grow back". Not what I wanted to hear, but whatever. This is a new me right and I can always shave my head, no? Maybe get a tattoo on my scalp of a skull with a snake coming out of the eyesocket, red rose beneath that says "rock on" maybe.

But then it was done and she was so happy, she said it looked wonderful. I thanked her, payed her and walked back to work, looked in the mirror and omg I look like a soccer mom. So now I want to trade in my SUV for a sports car. If I wasn't so used to this whole no-car-payment thing, I would go out today and get a new car. A red one. Convertible.

Also, at work I have been converting the site to an XML based structure and to do that I have to copy and paste every single page of the site into the XML documents. So far I'm on page 245. Additionally, I'm having to make a site diagram for the XML programs and in essence, for the past few weeks I've been doing the following::

copy paste copy paste copy paste copy paste copy paste *scream in terror* copy paste copy paste copy paste copy paste copy paste

When people talk to me now I can't think of anything to say on my own. I just want to copy what they say like a parrot.

10-12 years ago I got it in my head that I wanted to get married on St. Patrick's day, and even though I'd put it off year after year, it became James and my sorta unofficial anniversary. It was more of an anniversary than the real date. But he'll be in Houston tomorrow with Spike and I'll be at home living with the ramifications of what I've done. Blah. So I'm sad today. The soccer mom haircut just kinda tops it off. How did I get here anyway? I don't remember any of this. I'm ready to be a kid again.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna try to make cookies again this weekend shaped like shamrocks. I bought green sprinkles. Need to make sure I go to the grocery store so I don't put it off with a out-of-whatever ingredient excuse. I also have to rake tonight (again), but at least its all down so in theory this is the last raking I'll have to do for a year. I also have to be online some tomorrow to do some CoP's and cutscenes tonight. And I'm gonna watch a bunch of movies this weekend I think. Frida, for sure, I'm gonna watch again. Pitch Black again. We watched Little Miss Sunshine last night and it was funny. I don't know what else.

1 comment:

Missy said...


Let me know how I can help :-)