Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Quite a bit has changed since I posted last

I'm re-purposing this blog to track my success (or not) with my goals for this year. Lon and I are in agreement and hopefully he'll keep me to task.

My goals for this year are:
1. Eat responsibly
2. Spend money responsibly
3. Work on my house
4. Determine the path to take to start a family. Whether this is go to a fertility clinic or adopt, dunno.
5. Be a good friend
6. Have more faith. Faith in me, the universe, God, work, etc. Faith in me is the hardest, honestly.

What has changed since I posted last:
1. I am happy with Shawn. He loves me though he'll never say it. He kept me sane through this holiday and I recognize how lucky I am to have met him.
2. I have discovered that to adopt a child I will be spending a minimum of $30k, which involves taking out a loan, and between repaying it and paying for infant day care and diapers, etc. I can't afford it. I will have to figure something out. IUI's however are between $200 and $2k per try (not sure what the cost of donor material is, if its even available here), but I'm going to research that path, though I think I would rather adopt. I'm doing my very best to not give up.
3. I am learning to play bass guitar. I like it its fun, but when I wake up in the morning I've been having the worst wrist joint pain which frightens me. Muscle pain would go away, but this is joint pain. We'll see.
4. A number of my friends are in trial periods in their lives and I need to make sure I'm there for them as they're here for me.

So far this morning I haven't made any positive choices, but when I do, I'll put them here.