Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tonight is Sunday.

Tonight is Sunday. I ran a long run tonight and feel pretty good. I feel decently content with my life but at the same time I don't want to be alone for the rest of it and I'm not sure what that means. Its been an interesting month.

On a sad note, Teddie Dog is dying and my mom is torn up inside. Maybe though this will help her deal with her guilt about Grandpa. I hope so. I don't like to see her suffer the same pain at her own hands over and over.

I think I'll watch a movie tonight to distract myself from falling into melancholy.

I miss you James but I know that things happen for a reason and that you life will likely be better without me in it. I wish there had been a way to fix the things that broke us apart, but we'd been trying to fix those things for most of our 13 years and they were only getting worse. I hope you're having a good night.

Friday, February 15, 2008


The past week has been windy and there's always been a wind chime ringing somewhere in someone's yard. The roof has been creaking, there's always been something.

Tonight its silent.